The Cheshire West and Chester Council Housing Management Board met for the first time and officially endorsed a new charter of pledges to Council housing tenants.
The Council Housing Management Board has a key role in making sure that the Council as the landlord, and ForHousing, who manage housing on the Council’s behalf, are providing a good quality service for people living in Council housing.
The Board is made up of five Council housing tenants; two independent members of the public with a background working in housing; and four councillors from different political parties. The Board is chaired by Cllr Christine Warner, the Council Cabinet Member for Homes, Planning and Safer Communities.
The Together with Tenants Charter was officially endorsed at the first meeting on Thursday 5 October.
The Charter was jointly created by Cheshire West and Chester Council and ForHousing with Council housing tenants. It lists five key pledges to residents, which will guide the work of the Board, Council and ForHousing. The pledges are:
- Good two-way communication.
- Taking responsibility for errors.
- Creating greener, fairer and stronger communities.
- High-quality standard of work and maintenance.
- Ensuring homes and communities are safe places to live.
The Charter will be emailed or sent by post to all tenants and is available on the Council website:
Together with Tenants Charter | Cheshire West and Chester Council
Cllr Christine Warner, Cabinet Member for Homes, Planning and Safer Communities, said:
“The Council Housing Management Board is crucial in holding the Council to account. It is a great way for tenants to raise questions about how their homes are managed and maintained. The Board is delighted to endorse the Together with Tenants Charter, which makes a number of commitments to residents to ensure that they receive a high standard of service and live in safe, well-maintained houses in vibrant communities.”
More information about the work of the Council Housing Management Board can be found here:
Council Housing Management Board | Cheshire West and Chester Council
There is also still time to share your views on Cheshire West and Chester Council’s new draft Council Housing Asset Management Strategy, which sets out how Council housing in the borough will be maintained and improved.
The consultation can be found on the Council website:
Asset Management Strategy consultation | Cheshire West and Chester Council
Pictured - Council Housing Management Board with the Together with Tenants Charter.
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