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Recruitment pathway helps Special Constables become full time members of the Policing Family

Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, John Dwyer, is excited to welcome the introduction of a recruitment pathway which helps Special Constables become full-time Police Constables.

Special Constables have all the powers of Police Constables, but their roles are filled on a voluntary basis with a minimum commitment of 16 hours a month to the Constabulary. Over the course of the pandemic, Special Constables have volunteered nearly 76,000 hours to frontline policing.

John Dwyer, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire said: “The commitment of those who volunteer their time to policing in their communities is humbling, and I saw it as a priority to have entry routes into paid policing roles that recognises that commitment and dedication.”

“I am delighted that this pathway was launched and shows our commitment to supporting our Special Constables on their journey through our wider police family.”

The scheme means that Special Constables who have reached independent status, given their minimum 16 hours a month over the last year, and are supported by their supervisor and Local Policing Unit will be fast-tracked through the recruitment process. If they are then successful in the National Online Assessment, they will go through to the Conditional Offer stage.

Mark Roberts, Chief Constable of Cheshire Police, said: “This new pathway for Special Constables to progress into Police Constable roles demonstrates our commitment to supporting those who have given their precious free time to volunteer for Cheshire Constabulary.

“We recognise the skills and experience our Special Constables have and want to support those who wish to continue their policing journey as a full time member of our policing family.”

Dr Kieran Mullan, MP for Crewe and Nantwich and a former Special Constable, said: “I can't think of a better way to prepare yourself for doing the job than being a Special Constable and I welcome Commissioner John Dwyer and Cheshire Police recognising the value of what Special Constables do in this way.”

“I did it because I wanted to play my part in stopping criminals that make other people's lives a misery and I think a lot of people would feel like they made a difference by doing that. I learnt a lot from being a Special Constable and I would encourage people to put themselves forward.”

John Dwyer added: “Special Constables do amazing work and go on to achieve amazing things when they leave their Constabulary, even becoming an MP as shown by Kieran’s example. This goes to show why we’re so determined to keep them in Cheshire.”

“This pathway will help both Cheshire Constabulary and the communities they protect due to the Special Constables having the policing knowledge and good community relations they have already established.”

Pictured - Dr Kieran Mullan, MP for Crewe and Nantwich and a former Special Constable.

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