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Commissioner supports Anti-Bullying Week

Monday 15th November marks the start of Anti-Bullying Week, and Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, John Dwyer, is encouraging everyone across the county to be kind by following the week’s theme: One Kind Word.

Bullying, particularly cyber-bullying, has been increasing. In 2020 the Crime Survey of England and Wales in revealed that 72% of children had experienced online bullying.

Bullying can often lead to a crime being committed or, tragically lead to someone taking their life, as has happened in Cheshire.

John Dwyer, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire said: “Bullying shouldn’t be tolerated. In the modern world escaping a bully can be hard as their behaviour is no longer confined to one place, such as the playground. They’re on phones, on social media and the harassment can be relentless.”

“To tackle bullying I believe education is key, and in my Police and Crime Plan I commit to ensuring officers in our local communities have the opportunity to talk to people in schools and out on the streets about the impact of bullying. I have also committed to supporting services which deliver support to under 18s who have been bullied.”

What can I do to take part?

You can take these small steps to help beat bullying:

  • Ask if someone’s OK. Say you’re sorry, or just say hi.
  • In a world that can sometimes feel like it’s filled with negativity, one kind word can provide a moment of hope. It can be a turning point. It can change someone’s perspective. It can change their day. It can change the course of a conservation and break the cycle of bullying.
  • Best of all, one kind word leads to another. Kindness fuels kindness. So, from the playground to Parliament, and from our phones to our homes, together, our actions can fire a chain reaction that powers positivity.
  • It starts with one kind word. It starts today.

John Dwyer added: “I don’t want anyone being bullied to feel like they’re alone. Standing up to a bully may not be the easiest thing to do but talking to someone about your experience can help.

“Speak to a member of your family, a teacher or a trusted friend. Please don’t face the problem alone.”

More information about Anti-Bullying Week is available on the Anti-Bullying Alliance website at:


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