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Bikers reminded to stay safe on the roads following bank holiday policing operation

The Easter Bank Holiday weekend saw more than a hundred offences recorded by bikers for actions such as dangerous riding, riding without due care and attention and riding at excessive speed.

Operation Caesar began on Thursday 1 April and is the force’s seasonal proactive response to the forecasted rise in people out on their motorbikes.

Officers were in key hotspot areas on the lookout for any motorcyclist travelling at excess speed, riding dangerously and putting not only their own lives, but other road users lives at risk.

Throughout the weekend bikers were educated on how to stay safe while enjoying their ride with the majority of riders doing exactly that, but unfortunately there were a minority of riders whose reckless actions were met with enforcement.

Inspector for the force’s Roads and Crime Unit, Steve Griffiths, said: “The majority of the bank holiday was dry and sunny which gave motorcyclists the perfect opportunity to get out and enjoy the weather and the roads on their bikes. Our officers spent a considerable amount of time educating riders on how to stay safe on their ride, with many appreciative of our officer’s safety advice.

“Officers did however stop more than a hundred bikers for a number of different offences where they were putting not only their own lives, but innocent road users lives at risk. While we want bikers to enjoy their ride, this cannot be at the expense of other road users’ safety.

“We will continue to do all we can to educate and encourage motorcyclists to ride safely throughout this seasonal operation, but I hope the activity at the weekend sends a strong message that we will not hesitate to act against those individuals set on flouting the rules of the road who think the law doesn’t apply to them.”

• 4 Dangerous driving
• 12 Due Care
• 27 Excess speed
• 37 Non-conforming VRM
• 7 Vehicles in dangerous condition
• 5 Drivers using mobile phones
• 2 No Insurance
• 8 Load offences (insecure)
• 1 licence offence
• 9 Contravene double white lines
• 2 MOT offences
• 1 Waste carriage licence

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